by A Bird Abroad | Jul 10, 2016 | Europe, Uncategorized
In a generation that values experiences above possessions we all want to be world travellers.
by A Bird Abroad | Jul 8, 2016 | Europe, Uncategorized
Trying to move to London is how I found myself at my lowest ebb, in floods of tears in the middle of a Tesco super store in Twickenham.
by A Bird Abroad | Jul 6, 2016 | Europe, Uncategorized
From the moment I got back to London I had an overwhelming desire to pack my bags, turn around and go back to Barcelona permanently. I loved the place more than just about anywhere I have been so far. The weather, the people, the food, (I ate an obscene amount of...
by A Bird Abroad | Jul 4, 2016 | Nordics, Uncategorized
Flying with Wow Air – Was I going to be wow’ed or is that what I would say when I realised my seat was a deck chair strapped to a bi-plane and the inflight meal would be whatever detritus flew into my mouth? Their constant emails, to tell me my flight to...
by A Bird Abroad | Jul 1, 2016 | South East Asia, Uncategorized
So here I was in my favourite Vietnamese destination. Hoi An had struck a chord with me when we were here six years ago and I knew that this was one place I really wanted to come back to. As with any place built beside the water it has a great atmosphere and a history...