Scuba Skills: Buying Dive Gear – Start with your mask
Your own gear is a wonderful luxury and the right kit can completely change your diving experience. Dragging on stiff suits and peering through a foggy mask can add stress and unnecessary angst to what should be an awesome experience. On the flipside, buying...
Diving the Red Sea – A Liveaboard Adventure
Hurghada really is the arse end of bum fuck no-where. We spent two nights there either side of our Red Sea liveaboard with Emperor Divers. It’s a strange place full of construction sites giving off an abandoned ‘post-coup’ vibe and souvenir shops...
Falling in love with Gothenburg – A City Break
When I moved to London I was met with a new and unfamiliar greeting known as the ‘Air Kiss’. This is where you press your cheek to someone else’s, making an indistinct kiss noise near their ear before doing it again to their other cheek. For us Kiwis...
Don’t Wear Your Pants To Work – Being a Kiwi in London
It is amazing how language and culture can change over the course of a few generations and several thousand miles. Often it doesn’t feel like we Kiwis are that far removed from our European settler ancestors especially with the advent of the digital world.